Con el regreso del buen tiempo, vuelven también las alpargatas. Después de reinventar el calzado de toda la vida, las cangrejeras y las deportivas, ¡las alpargatas no iban a ser menos!
Son muchos los diseñadores que se apuntan a esta moda. Chanel, Valentino o Jeffrey Campbell son algunos de los nombres que suenan con versión propia. Modelos muy bonitos y originales pero con un gran inconveniente, su precio.
Alpargatas TOMS 45€
Alpargatas Jeffrey Campbell 68€
Alpargatas Valentino 150€ (Rebajados, antes 300€)
Una de las prendas que más vamos a ver este verano en los blogs son las famosas alpargatas de Chanel, que rondan los 300-400 euros, agotadas ya en todas las boutiques internacionales.
Y es que las firmas de lujo han aprovechado para lanzarlas a modo de objeto de deseo pero, afortunadamente, en el mercado podemos encontrar diferentes versiones de todo tipo y para toda clase de público y bolsillos.
De las versiones low-cost encontramos de todo tipo: con tachuelas, colores y materiales distintos.
Animal print de Zara 17, 95€
Étnicas de Zara 17, 95€
Negras con abalorios de Stradivarius 19, 95€
Grises con abalorios de Stradivarius 19, 95€
Verdes (también disponibles en coral) de H&M 14, 95€
Yo ya tengo mis favoritas, y vosotros/as, ¿con cual os quedáis?
With warm weather coming back, espadrilles are also returning. After reinventing lifetime footwear's basics, such as crabbers and sportive shoes, espadrilles are being reinvented too.
There are many designers who are joinning this trend. Chanel, Valentino and Jeffrey Campbell are some of the most popular brands that have their own version. Very nice and original models but with an enormous drawback, its price.
One of the it items that we will see this summer on blogs are the famous Chanel espadrilles, which are around 300-400 euros, exhausted in all international boutiques.
Luxury brands have launched them as a wish desire object but, fortunately, we can also find different versions of all kinds and for all kinds of public and pockets.
From low-cost versions all types are found: with studs, colors and different materials.
I have already choosen my favorites, and you, which of them are your fauvorites?
@ qmepongobyleire
There are many designers who are joinning this trend. Chanel, Valentino and Jeffrey Campbell are some of the most popular brands that have their own version. Very nice and original models but with an enormous drawback, its price.
One of the it items that we will see this summer on blogs are the famous Chanel espadrilles, which are around 300-400 euros, exhausted in all international boutiques.
Luxury brands have launched them as a wish desire object but, fortunately, we can also find different versions of all kinds and for all kinds of public and pockets.
From low-cost versions all types are found: with studs, colors and different materials.
I have already choosen my favorites, and you, which of them are your fauvorites?
@ qmepongobyleire
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